Mode of Login
There are two mode of login
- Text Mode (Alt+ctrl+F1)
- Graphical Mode (Alt+Ctrl+F7)
In case of Text Mode
Station2 Login : root
Password : redhat
to switch from one text mode to another
Alt+Ctrl+F1 to Alt+Ctrl+F6
In case of Graphical Mode
Common Commands
Some of the Common system command are as follow:
1. Date : to display date and time
2. Cal : to display the calendar
3. Cal 11 2006 : display the calendar of Month 11 and year 2006
4. Clear : To clear the screen
5. ls : to list directory contents
color identification
blue : Directories
White : Files
Green : Executable files
Red : Zip files, rpm, tar file
Different switches used with “ls” command
ls –l or ll : used for long listing including file and directory permission
(-) : file
(d) : Directory
(l) : Symbolic link
ls –a : shows all hidden files and directory. Any file followed by (.) is hidden file
ls –al : show all hidden files and directory with long listing or whole description
ls –d : shows all the directory
6. pwd: Print working directory
7. who am I : display the information of current terminal
8. who : display all the terminal in a network
9. history : it shows all the command your have used.
By default history stores last 1000 command which u have run. If u want to change
# vi /etc/profile
Save and exit
# history –c ( to clear all the previous command reside in history)
Creating file and Directory:
- Creating file:
The ‘cat’ command is used to create a file
# cat > filename
# cat > abc.txt
(Ctrl +D) is used to save the file.
- View the content of file
# cat filename
#cat abc.txt
#cat –b abc.txt
- Creating Directory
The ‘mkdir’ command is used to create directory
Mkdir [directory_name]
# mkdir jeet
Option used:
cd : To change directory
cd .. : To come out from directory
cd : to jump to root directory
cd - : to jump to previous directory
Deleting Files and directory:
For file:
rm <filename>
rm abc.txt
for directory
rmdir <directory_name>
Note: Only empty directory will be deleted)
If we want to delete the tree structure of directory then we need to use the following command
rm –rf <directory_name>
r = recursively
f= force
In order to remove non empty directory
rm –r <directory>
rm –r jeet
this will remove directory step by step ,first remove sub directory and then finally main directory.
Another method of creating file :
Touch : this command is used to create a blank file with size zero.
# touch <filename>
#touch abc
Copying File and Directory:
- Copy file:
# cp [source]filename [destination]
- Copy directory
#cp –r [source]directory [destination]
to copy a directory into another directory recursively
- cp –rf [source]directory [destination]
to copy a directory forcely
syntax used for copy file or directory:
cp [option] file destination
-I : interactive : ask before overwriting file
-r : Recursive
-p : Preserve
-f : forcely
More than one file can be copied at a time if the destination is directory
cp [option] file1 file2 file 3 Destination
Moving and Renaming File and Directory:
# mv : move /rename files and directory
# mv [option] file destination
# mv t.txt /home/jeet/
more than one file can be moved at a time if the destination is a directory
# mv [option] file1 file2 file3 destination
Thanks ,
Very informative post. Keep up the good work. I would really look forward to your other posts
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Dell - Latitude 14.1" Refurbished Laptop - 4GB Memory - 250GB Hard Drive - Gray
Very informative post. Keep up the good work. I would really look forward to your other posts
ReplyDeleteDell - Inspiron 15.6" Touch-Screen Laptop - 4GB Memory - 500GB Hard Drive - Black (15RVT-9095BLK)
Dell - Latitude 14.1" Refurbished Laptop - 4GB Memory - 250GB Hard Drive - Gray